There is NO REMOTE offered as part of this bundle. DvD playback without the remote is also enabled. DvD2xbox app installed so you can copy your favorite games to your Xbox if they aren't there already! XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 App also installed for all of your home theater needs.
They are.Atari 2600/5200/7800/Lynx/Jaguar, Colecovision, Intellivision, NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, N64, Gameboy Original/Color/Advance, Sega Genesis and 32x, Sega Game Gear and Coin Ops 8 Arcade Emulator (with 723 arcade games), DOOM 1/2/Ultimate/Final. Comes with 73 of the most popular Xbox games! All emulators are installed with full rom sets. Console, a/v cable, power cable, and 1 controller. Original Xbox modded with a 250gb hard drive and Original Xbox modded with a 250gb hard drive and UnleashX dashboard.